Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scenes From Town

I am just going to post up some random shit I've taken while going around on the bike.  Nothing that really conjures up a good enough story to tell, but they may give a good sense of how things are.

This right here is the side of the store I work at.  I'm the manager, no big deal or anything.  We handle all your basic surgical supplies; knee braces, wrist braces, wheelchairs, bathroom safety, that kind of stuff.  A very non-mom-and-pop gym just opened up a couple of stores over and wanted to buy us out, we told them to fuck off.  I hate people that work for/own gyms (and most people that use them) as they tend to be total douchebags.  


I always thought these trees were really weird.  They are all growing out of this skinny ledge, I guess it's to make the loading area for the supermarket look nicer.  For some reason they remind me of a particular Halloween from several years ago, I'm sure a story or two will be posted about it eventually, but there were about 50 of us running around like mad all over town.  Good times.

 This here is a vacant/foreclosed house I had been wanting to shoot for a long time.  I love abandoned shit, and I think it is always the perfect photo subject.  Every town has that one haunted house, and in my day we had an entire haunted area called Tiny Town.  It's pretty interesting in its own right (you can read about it some here), but I wonder what the kids will think of this house after a few more years of neglect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where is it?