Friday, April 16, 2010

Middle School Memories Part I

Does anybody remember the daily food fights in 7th grade?
Does anybody remember being totally lost on the first day?
Does anybody remember what "teams" they were on?
Does anybody remember me trying out for 7th grade baseball?
Does anybody remember me joining 8th grade track?
Does anybody remember me quitting 8th grade track because I wanted to go to 7-11 with Anthony?
Does anybody remember Mike Pagano trying varial heelflips at like 7AM on the first day?
Does anybody remember Mike Pagano's bright red Chad Muska shoes?
Does anybody remember Tyrone v. Ian Salmonsky at Boswell's?
Does anybody remember Aaron Boyanovky (if you see this Aaron, hit me up brosif)?
Does anybody remember cutting Mr. Pellegrino's Earth Science lab just to hang out in the next period's lunch?
Does anybody remember the real Mike Hendricks and Eric Dyrstad?
Does anybody remember New Year's Eve 2001 at Eric Dyrstad's house?
Does anybody remember drinking Elmer Fudd Puckers with James Dillon instead of doing Ms. Friedman's math project?
Does anybody remember Mucow's scooter equipped with a peg so he could do feeble grinds with it?
Does anybody remember skating with Spencer Elias after school?
Does anybody remember when Andrew Bankowski busted himself open rollerblading in the front after school?
Does anybody remember Chris Thatcher doing 540's on rollerblades off the step in the front?
Does anybody remember when Dennis and Wilson both rollerbladed?
Does anybody remember BMX riding with Chris Clark, Anthony Billiteri, and that kid Jeremy?
Does anybody remember Mr. Wojeski and how he liked punk rock?
Does anybody remember Squirrel Dude?
Does anybody remember wedging the can into the back door so we could come back inside and skate on the weekend?
Does anybody remember hanging out on the roof?
Does anybody remember having their mom catch them on the roof?
Does anybody remember pleading with Dennis to shut up so they can concentrate on holding in their poop?
Does anybody remember Sean Mcbreardy duping me into stealing trying to steal the best chromes near school only to be stomped out by Anthony's older brother?
Does anybody remember getting caught stealing chromes on the way home from school and being forced to calling their mom (then deleting the message when they got home)?
Does anybody remember pea shooters?
Does anybody remember when me and Mike Massetti shattered the glass door behing Blockbuster with pea shooters?
Does anybody remember Dan Crighton's pool toy?
Does anybody remember Dan Crighton's sandbox?

I recently wrote that the Middle School years were the worst years of my life.  I think I am now switching that to 9th grade.